Mint Mobile: Get a year of Unlimited for $15/mo when you buy a new phone
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Is Mint Mobile Worth It in 2023?

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Selected cell phone plans:
Mint Mobile 5GB
1 Line
1 Line
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps

Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Mint Mobile 15GB
1 Line
1 Line
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps

Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Mint Mobile 5GB
1 Line
1 Line
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps

Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Mint Mobile 20GB
1 Line
1 Line
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps

Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts

On March 15th, 2023, Mint Mobile launched new cell phone plans.

But…are these new plans worth it?

How do they compare to the competition?

I don’t want you to waste your money. So, in this article, we will find out if Mint Mobile’s new plans are worth it or if you should get a different cell phone plan instead. 

You can also watch my video analyzing Mint Mobile’s new plans and comparing the new plans to competitors’ plans:

What Is Mint Mobile?

As a refresher, Mint Mobile is a prepaid cell phone carrier known as an MNVO

Instead of building their own networks, MNVOs like Mint Mobile rely on existing networks for coverage.

In Mint’s case, that is the T-Mobile network. Mint customers get access to T-Mobile’s LTE and 5G networks for nationwide coverage and fast data speeds.

However, Mint Mobile is deprioritized. 

Being deprioritized means that during times when the T-Mobile network is busy, such as at crowded sports stadiums, concerts, in rush hour traffic, or other areas where a lot of people are using their phones at once, Mint Mobile customers may temporarily notice slower data speeds than T-Mobile postpaid customers. 

How much of a difference does having deprioritized speeds make?

Check out my video below where I compare Mint Mobile data speeds to T-Mobile data speeds:

Again, you’ll really only notice slightly slower speeds when the network is busy.

Any time the network is not busy, Mint Mobile customers will get the fastest speeds available.

When I used Mint Mobile as my personal provider for over two years, I rarely noticed an issue with data speeds. I was almost always able to send Tweets, reply to Snapchats, post to Instagram, and order my Chipotle burrito bowls online with no problems. 

As one commenter says, “it’s so fast, you can’t really notice a difference during normal use.”

A comment on a YouTube video reads, "Yeah, but even with the lowest speeds from Mint, it's so fast you can't really notice a difference during normal use."

It was only in areas where the T-Mobile network didn’t have service that my Mint phone, naturally, didn’t work. Otherwise, it worked great for me.

Suggested: 7 Reasons Why NOT To Sign Up for Mint Mobile

What’s New With Mint Mobile’s New Plans?

Mint Mobile previously offered four cell phone plans to choose from. 

You could get 4GB for $15, 10GB for $20, 15GB for $25, and unlimited data for $30. 

Mint Mobile’s unlimited plan included 35GB of high-speed data before unlimited data at 512Kbps as well as 5GB of high-speed hotspot data. 

On March 15th, 2023, Mint Mobile updated all of its plans. 

What changed? 

The amount of high-speed data that comes with each plan.

The 4GB plan got bumped up to 5GB.

The 10GB plan increased to 15GB.

The 15GB plan is now 20GB.

And the unlimited plan went from 35GB of high-speed to now 40GB of high-speed data, and the hotspot allotment doubled from 5GB to 10GB.

Here’s a summary of the changes:

  • $15 for 4GB → 5GB
  • $20 for 10GB → 15GB
  • $25 for 15GB → 20GB
  • $30 for 35GB → 40GB

All of Mint Mobile’s plans also include the same features as before: Wi-Fi calling, VoLTE, visual voicemail, 5G access, eSIM, and pay-per-use international rates.

What’s crazy is that when Mint Mobile first launched, their data allotments were 2GB, 5GB, and 10GB. 

Mint Mobile has effectively doubled, or in some cases tripled, the amount of high-speed data they include with their plans all while keeping prices the same. 

However, are these new plans worth it?

While it’s nice to see data amounts increasing and prices staying the same, the competition has also released better plans in the past year.

To compare Mint Mobile to the competition, there is one important thing to understand first: how Mint Mobile’s pricing works.

How Does Mint Mobile’s Pricing Work?

One of the big reasons Mint Mobile’s plans are so affordable is that they sell their plans in bulk.

You sign up for either three, six, or 12 months of service at a time. 

Here’s how it works:

When you sign up for Mint Mobile as a new customer, you get an intro offer. You get 3 months of service at the 12-month price, which is the lowest price Mint Mobile offers.

Mint Mobile new customer offer

After your first 3 months of service, you have 3 options to renew your plan:

  1. You can renew your plan for another 3 months at the regular 3-month rate.
  2. You can renew your plan for 6 months at the 6-month rate.
  3. You can renew your plan for 12 months at the 12-month rate, which is the same affordable rate you had with your intro offer. 
Mint Mobile plan renewal options after first three months on $15 plan

Suggested: How Mint Mobile Can Be So Cheap

What’s key to understand is that to get the most affordable price from Mint Mobile, you need to sign up for 12 months of service at a time. 

That means those $15 to $30 monthly prices turn into $180 to $360 upfront when you pay for a full year.

Mint Mobile's plans listed with upfront pricing ($180, $240, $300, and $360 upfront for 12 months of service)

For some people, this can be a big upfront cost and a long commitment.

However, when I first switched to Mint Mobile back in college, the annual pricing actually worked out great for me. I was a student in college, so I knew I’d be in the same area for four years. T-Mobile had good service in that area, so I was comfortable getting Mint which I knew used T-Mobile for coverage. And I was also comfortable paying more upfront to get a lower overall rate on my cell phone bill. 

For some people, the annual options will work out great. 

For others, a month-to-month plan will be a better fit. 

Just keep in mind that as we compare Mint Mobile’s plans to the competition, we are using Mint Mobile’s 12-month prices.

Now let’s compare Mint Mobile to the competition for both single-line users and families to see if they are worth it.

Is Mint Mobile’s $15 5GB Plan Worth It?

Mint Mobile’s most affordable plan is their $15 one. 

It includes 5GB of high-speed data, the mobile hotspot feature, and 4K video streaming.

Here, competing plans come from T-Mobile, US Mobile, MobileX, and Boost Mobile.

All plans are listed for $15. However, after taxes and fees the prices range from $16.49 all the way to $19.91. I calculated the taxes and fees using the prices I see here in Longmont, CO. Prices after taxes and fees could vary in your location.

$15 plan comparison

Mint Mobile vs. T-Mobile

Mint Mobile's $15 plan vs. T-Mobile Connect $15 plan
Mint Mobile $15 5GB T-Mobile Connect 3.5GB
Price (after tax) $17.43 $17.52
Network T-Mobile T-Mobile
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 5GB 3.5GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops
Hotspot Hotspot included Hotspot included
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (2.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico. Pay-per-use rates to other countries Not supported
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
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Mint Mobile’s plan gives you an extra 1.5GB of data compared to T-Mobile’s plan. Plus, after your high-speed allotment you also get unlimited slow data at 128Kbps on Mint Mobile. T-Mobile shuts your data off after your high-speed allotment.

Having unlimited slow data is important for features like group and picture messaging and visual voicemail to continue working. 

I think Mint’s plan is a better value.

Mint Mobile vs. US Mobile

Mint Mobile's $15 plan vs. US Mobile's $15 plan
Mint Mobile $15 5GB US Mobile $15 5GB
Price (after tax) $17.43 $19.91
Network T-Mobile Verizon
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 5GB 5GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops
Hotspot Hotspot included $2 add-on
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 720p (4Mbps)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, pay-per-use rates to other countries Free international calling to Canada, calling to other counries not supported.
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Data-only add-ons available
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Data-only add-ons available
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Compared to US Mobile, Mint’s plan is over $2 cheaper per month. It also includes unlimited slow data after your high-speed allotment and the mobile hotspot feature. 

US Mobile stops your data after 5GB, and they charge $2 extra to enable the mobile hotspot feature. 

US Mobile does use Verizon for coverage though. Reception could be better on US Mobile depending on where you live. 

It may be worth checking both T-Mobile coverage and Verizon coverage in your area before deciding on a plan. 

Mint Mobile vs. Mobile X

Mint Mobile 5GB plan vs. Mobile X 4GB plan
Mint Mobile $15 5GB Mobile X
Price (after tax) $17.43 $16.49
Network T-Mobile Verizon
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 5GB 4GB (pay-per-use at $2.10 per GB)
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops, option to purchase more
Hotspot Hotspot included Included
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 4K (no speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, pay-per-use rates to other countries Not supported
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
Link Get this plan Get this plan

MobileX is a new competitor. 

They just launched February 22nd, 2022.

Both Mint Mobile and Mobile X are good value plans. They are also very different.

Mint Mobile has a fixed price and data amount. 

MobileX allows you to customize your plan every month, and they only charge you for the data you actually use. 

Some of you may be able to save money with the flexibility and customizability of MobileX.

However, I think a lot of you will prefer the simplicity of Mint Mobile.

Check out Reddit reviews of Mobile X for more information at this time as I continue testing the service for myself and working on my own review.

Mint Mobile vs. Boost Mobile

Mint Mobile's $15 plan vs. Boost Mobile's $15 plan
Mint Mobile $15 5GB Boost Mobile $15 5GB
Price (after tax) $17.43 $17.10
Network T-Mobile AT&T
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 5GB 5GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops
Hotspot Hotspot included Hotspot included
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (1.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable $0.10 to send and receive
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico. Pay-per-use rates to other countries Add-ons available
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported

Boost Mobile offers a really competitive plan. 

Both plans are reasonably priced, include 5GB of data, and support the mobile hotspot. 

The main differences are that Mint Mobile’s plan offers up to 4K video streaming and unlimited slow data if you go over your high-speed allotment, while Boost Mobile limits video to 480p and stops your data after your high-speed allotment.

Boost Mobile’s plan is also monthly instead of yearly. 

I say both plans are great, and it depends if you prefer T-Mobile coverage or AT&T coverage.

Bottom line: Mint Mobile’s $15 5GB plan compares favorably to the competition. It is competitively priced and includes great features at this price point. Notable features include giving you unlimited slow data after your high-speed allotment is used up, the inclusion of the mobile hotspot feature for free, and up to 4K video streaming. Get Mint Mobile's $15 5GB plan

Is Mint Mobile’s $20 15GB Plan Worth It?

Mint Mobile $20 plan comparison

Next is Mint Mobile’s $20 15GB plan. 

Competing plans come from US Mobile and Boost Mobile.

All plans are listed for $20. After taxes and fees, prices range from $20.36 to $25.21. 

Mint Mobile, US Mobile, and Boost Mobile $20 cell phone plans after taxes and fees

Mint Mobile vs. US Mobile

Mint Mobile's $20 plan vs. US Mobile's $20 plan
Mint Mobile $20 15GB US Mobile $20 15GB
Price (after tax) $22.89 $25.31
Network T-Mobile Verizon
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 15GB 15GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops
Hotspot Hotspot included $2 add-on
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 720p (4Mbps)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, pay-per-use rates to other countries Free international calling to Canada, calling to other counries not supported.
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Data-only add-ons available
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Data-only add-ons available
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Compared to Mint Mobile’s plan, US Mobile’s plan is over $2 more expensive per month, has lower quality video streaming, stops your data after 15GB, and makes the hotspot an extra $2 add-on. 

Mint’s plan seems like a better value to me. 

Mint Mobile vs. Boost Mobile

Mint Mobile's $20 plan vs. Boost Mobile's $20 plan
Mint Mobile $20 15GB Boost Mobile $20 15GB
Price (after tax) $22.89 $20.36
Network T-Mobile AT&T
Plan Duration 12-months 12-months
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 15GB 15GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops
Hotspot Hotspot included Hotspot included
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (1.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable $0.10 to send and receive
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, pay-per-use rates to other countries Add-ons available
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
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Boost Mobile’s plan is a little over $2 cheaper than Mint’s plan.

However, Boost Mobile has lower-quality video streaming and stops your data after 15GB.

Both plans require you to sign up for 12 months at a time. Overall, these two plans are quite similar. 

That said, I do think Mint Mobile has a little bit better customer service and a more polished application and website.

The better plan for you will likely come down to whether T-Mobile or AT&T has better coverage in your area. 

Bottom line: Mint Mobile's $20 plan with 15GB of data is a great value plan. It includes nice features like the mobile hotspot and 4K video streaming. It compares well to the competition. The best plan for you depends on what network provides the best coverage in your area. Get Mint Mobile's 15GB plan here

Is Mint Mobile’s $25 20GB Plan Worth It?

$25 plan comparison from Mint Mobile, T-Mobile Connect, US Mobile, and Boost Infinite

Mint Mobile’s $25 plan comes with 20GB of high-speed data before unlimited data at 128Kbps. It also supports the mobile hotspot feature, where you can use up to all 20GB of data as hotspot data, and it allows 4K video streaming.

The closes competitors at the $25 price point are T-Mobile Connect, US Mobile, and Boost Infinite. 

All plans are listed for $25 per month. 

After taxes and fees, the prices range from $26.22 to $30.83 per month.

$25 plan comparison from Mint Mobile, T-Mobile Connect, US Mobile, and Boost Infinite after taxes and fees

Mint Mobile vs. T-Mobile Connect

Mint Mobile $25 plan vs. T-Mobile Connect $25 plan
Mint Mobile $25 20GB T-Mobile Connect 6.5GB
Price (after tax) $28.34 $17.52
Network T-Mobile T-Mobile
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 20GB 6.5GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops
Hotspot Hotspot included Hotspot included
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (2.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, pay-per-use rates to other countries Not supported
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
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Compared to T-Mobile Connect, Mint Mobile’s plan is way better.

Mint’s plan only a few cents extra per month and it gives you over three times the high-speed data allotment (20GB vs. 6.5GB).

You also get higher resolution video streaming and unlimited slow data when you use up your high-speed allotment on Mint Mobile. 

T-Mobile Connect only allows 480p video streaming and shuts your data off after your limit. 

My pick is Mint Mobile here.

Mint Mobile vs. US Mobile

Mint Mobile's $5 plan vs. US Mobile's $25 plan
Mint Mobile $25 20GB US Mobile $25 25GB
Price (after tax) $28.34 $30.83
Network T-Mobile Verizon
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 20GB 25GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Data stops
Hotspot Hotspot included $2 add-on
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 720p (4Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, pay-per-use rates to other countries Free international calling to Canada, calling to other counries not supported.
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Data-only add-ons available
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Data-only add-ons available
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The comparison between Mint Mobile and US Mobile is quite interesting at the $25 price point.

US Mobile continues to be about $2 more expensive per month, but this time it gives you 5GB more data than Mint’s plan.

US Mobile also still has the same caveats as before. It limits video streaming to 720p, shuts your data off after 25GB, and charges $2 extra to enable the hotspot feature.

Mint Mobile’s plan lets you use up to all 20GB of data as hotspot data, which makes it a better choice for heavy hotspot users. 

I think both Mint Mobile and US Mobile’s plans are great options here. The better plan for you probably comes down to whether you prefer to have T-Mobile coverage or Verizon coverage.

Mint Mobile vs. Boost Infinite

Mint Mobile's $25 plan vs. Boost Infinite's $25 plan
Mint Mobile $25 20GB Boost Infinite
Price (after tax) $28.34 $26.22
Network T-Mobile AT&T
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 20GB 30GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Unlimited slow data at 512Kbps
Hotspot Hotspot included 5GB hotspot
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (1.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Free international texting to 200+ destinations
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, pay-per-use rates to other countries Free international calling to 80+ countries
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable 1GB data roaming included, $5 add-on for 5GB roaming, data roaming speeds at 2G/3G speeds (between 128Kbps and 600Kbps)
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
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When it comes to comparing Mint Mobile to Boost Infinite, Boost Infinite is actually a better value plan here.

It’s $2 cheaper than Mint Mobile’s plan after all taxes and fees.

Plus, Boost Infinite includes 50% more data than Mint Mobile’s plan. You get 30GB of high-speed data on Boost Infinite compared to 20GB on Mint Mobile.

After your high-speed allotment, you get unlimited data at 512Kbps on Boost Infinite. That’s 4x faster data speeds than the 128Kbps speeds you get on Mint Mobile after your high-speed allotment is used up.

The only two downsides to Boost Infinite are that 1) your hotspot data is limited to 5GB (though there is a $5 add-on that bumps your hotspot data up to 30GB), and 2) your video streaming quality is limited to 480p.

Boost Infinite is likely a better option for most people. 

You just want to make sure you get good AT&T signal in your area because Boost Infinite uses AT&T for coverage.

Bottom line: Mint Mobile's $25 20GB plan is a great value on the T-Mobile network. However, if you also get good Verizon or AT&T coverage, then plans from US Mobile and Boost Infinite could be good options, too. Out of all the $25 plans, I think Boost Infinite's plan is the best overall.

Is Mint Mobile’s $30 Unlimited Plan Worth It?

Mint Mobile’s unlimited plan includes 40GB of high-speed data, 10GB of hotspot data, and 480p video streaming for $30 per month.

The three competitors at the $30 price point are Boost Mobile, Boost Infinite, and Visible Base. 

After taxes and fees, Mint Mobile’s plan actually ends up the most expensive plan here. 

Mint Mobile vs. Boost Mobile

Mint Mobile Unlimited Boost Mobile Unlimited
Price (after tax) $33.88 $30.80
Network T-Mobile AT&T
Plan Duration 12-months 3-months
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 40GB 35GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Unlimited slow data at 512Kbps
Hotspot 10GB hotspot 12GB hotspot
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (1.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable $0.10 to send and receive
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, Pay-per-use rates to other countries Add-ons available
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
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Boost Mobile’s plan is $3 cheaper than Mint’s, includes 5GB less high-speed data, but has 2GB of extra hotspot data. 

Mint Mobile vs. Boost Infinite

Mint Mobile Unlimited Boost Infinite (with Speed Pass)
Price (after tax) $33.88 $31.22
Network T-Mobile AT&T
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 40GB 50GB
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps Unlimited slow data at 512Kbps
Hotspot 10GB hotspot 5GB hotspot
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (1.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Free international texting to 200+ destinations
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, Pay-per-use rates to other countries Free international calling to 80+ countries
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable 1GB data roaming included, $5 add-on for 5GB roaming, data roaming speeds at 2G/3G speeds (between 128Kbps and 600Kbps)
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
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Boost Infinite offers a $5 add-on for their plan called the Speed Pass.

The Speed Pass increases your high-speed data allotment from 30GB to 50GB.

With the Speed Pass included, Boost Infininte’s plan would be just around $30 per month. Compared to Mint Mobile’s plan, Boost Infinite with the Speed Pass would give you 10GB of extra high-speed data, but 5GB less hotspot data. 

Both plans limit video streaming to 480p. 

I think both plans can be great, it just depends on if you get better T-Mobile or AT&T coverage in your area. 

Mint Mobile vs. Visible Base

Mint Mobile Unlimited Visible Base
Price (after tax) $33.88 $30.00
Network T-Mobile Verizon
Plan Duration 12-months 1 month
Talk and Text Unlimited Unlimited
High-Speed Data 40GB Unlimited
After High-Speed Allotment Unlimited slow data at 128Kbps N/A (unlimited high-speed data included)
Hotspot 10GB hotspot Unlimited hotspot at 5Mbps
Video Streaming Quality 4K (no speed cap) 480p (1.5Mbps speed cap)
International Texting Pay-per-use add-on avialable Free texting to Canada and Mexico
International Calling Free calls to Canada and Mexico, Pay-per-use rates to other countries Free calling to Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and Saipan
Canada & Mexico Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
International Data Roaming Pay-per-use add-on avialable Not supported
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For $30 per month, you could also get Visible’s Base plan.

What’s nice is Visible includes all taxes and fees. So your monthly total would be just $30 per month.

Including taxes and fees makes Visible’s plan $3 cheaper than Mint’s plan.

Additionally, Visible includes truly unlimited data. You can use as much data as you want and you’ll never be slowed down based on how much data you use. 

Visible also includes truly unlimited hotspot data with their plan.

The only two caveats are that hotspot speeds are limited to 5Mbps and you can only connect one device at a time.

For your $30, I think Visible Base is a better value plan. 

Funny enough, Visible happens to be offering a limited-time promo right now where their unlimited plan is just $25 per month.

You can also save $5 off your first 3 months when you use code “5OFF3MO” when you sign up

Bottom line: Mint Mobile's unlimited plan for $30 is a great plan on the T-Mobile network with heaps of high-speed data and plenty of features. However, if you need more than 40GB of high-speed data per month, then Boost Infinite on the AT&T network and Visible on the Verizon network can give you more data for the same price.

Mint Mobile vs. AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon

Where Mint Mobile’s unlimited plan really shines is when you compare it to the postpaid plans from AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon.

AT&T Unlimited Starter, T-Mobile Go5G Plus, and Verizon 5G Play More are the best value postpaid plans out there, which I learned from my analysis for the best family plans video:

Mint Mobile’s unlimited plan saves you over $600 per year compared to T-Mobile and Verizon.

And it also saves you over $430 per year compared to AT&T Unlimited Starter.

Or… does it?

You see, the big carriers all offer free phones when you trade in your old one. That saves you $800 on a new iPhone 14. Mint’s plan requires you to pay the full $800 upfront for a new iPhone 14. Unless, of course, you finance with Affirm.

So what’s better? 

The cheaper plan with the more expensive phone? 

Or the more expensive plans with the free phones?

To find out, I crunched all the numbers. I assumed you were trading in an iPhone 11, buying an iPhone 14, and staying a customer for three years. Factoring in all the costs, here’s what I found:

Single-Line Cost Comparison

Plan Lines Plan Cost Phone Trade-in Credit Phone Cost Per Line Total
Mint Mobile 5GB 1 $17.43/line $220 $16.95/mo. $34.37/line
Mint Mobile 15GB 1 $22.89/line $220 $16.95/mo. $39.83/line
Mint Mobile 20GB 1 $28.34/line $220 $16.95/mo. $45.28/line
Mint Mobile Unlimited 1 $33.88/line $220 $16.95/mo. $50.82/line
AT&T Unlimited Starter 1 $69.94/line $800 $0/mo. $69.94/line
AT&T Unlimited Extra 1 $80.18/line $800 $0/mo. $80.18/line
Verizon Welcome Unlimited 1 $71.25/line $220 $16.95/mo. $88.19/line
T-Mobile Essentials 1 $64.83/line $220 $24.17/mo. $89.00/line
T-Mobile Go5G Plus 1 $90.00/line $800 $0/mo. $90.00/line
AT&T Unlimited Premium 1 $90.42/line $800 $0/mo. $90.42/line
Verizon 5G Start 1 $76.37/line $220 $16.95/mo. $93.31/line
T-Mobile Go5G 1 $75.00/line $350 $18.75/mo. $93.75/line
Verizon 5G Play/Do More 1 $86.61/line $440 $10/mo. $96.61/line
Verizon 5G Get More 1 $96.85/line $800 $0/mo. $96.85/line
Verizon One Unlimited for iPhone 1 $96.85/line $800 $0/mo. $96.85/line

For single-line users, Mint is hands-down the most affordable option. 

Even with paying full price for a new iPhone, the lower cost of Mint Mobile’s unlimited plan saves you between $200 and $400 per year. 

And the lower-cost $15 to $25 plans from Mint Mobile will save you up to $600 per year.

Two-Line Cost Comparison

Plan Lines Plan Cost Phone Trade-in Credit Phone Cost Per Line Total
Mint Mobile 5GB 2 $17.43/line $220 $16.95/mo. $34.37/line
Mint Mobile 15GB 2 $22.89/line $220 $16.95/mo. $39.83/line
Mint Mobile 20GB 2 $28.34/line $220 $16.95/mo. $45.28/line
Mint Mobile Unlimited 2 $33.88/line $220 $16.95/mo. $50.82/line
AT&T Unlimited Starter 2 $64.83/line $800 $0/mo. $64.83/line
AT&T Unlimited Extra 2 $69.94/line $800 $0/mo. $69.94/line
T-Mobile Essentials 2 $49.47/line $220 $24.17/mo. $73.64/line
T-Mobile Go5G Plus 2 $75.00/line $800 $0/mo. $75.00/line
Verizon Welcome Unlimited 2 $61.02/line $220 $16.95/mo. $77.96/line
AT&T Unlimited Premium 2 $80.18/line $800 $0/mo. $80.18/line
Verizon One Unlimited for iPhone 2 $81.49/line $800 $0/mo. $81.49/line
Verizon 5G Start 2 $66.14/line $220 $16.95/mo. $83.08/line
T-Mobile Go5G 2 $65.00/line $350 $18.75/mo. $83.75/line
Verizon 5G Play/Do More 2 $76.37/line $440 $10/mo. $86.37/line
Verizon 5G Get More 2 $86.61/line $800 $0/mo. $86.61/line

For two lines, the same is true.

Mint’s plans save couples between $320 and $1,000 per year.

Three-Line Cost Comparison

Plan Lines Plan Cost Phone Trade-in Credit Phone Cost Per Line Total
Mint Mobile 5GB 3 $17.43/line $220 $16.95/mo. $$34.3/line
Mint Mobile 15GB 3 $22.89/line $220 $16.95/mo. $39.83/line
Mint Mobile 20GB 3 $28.34/line $220 $16.95/mo. $$45.2/line
AT&T Unlimited Starter 3 $49.47/line $800 $0/mo. $49.47/line
T-Mobile Go5G Plus 3 $50.00/line $800 $0/mo. $50.00/line
AT&T Unlimited Extra 3 $54.59/line $800 $0/mo. $54.59/line
Mint Mobile Unlimited 3 $33.88/line $220 $16.95/mo. $50.82/line
T-Mobile Essentials 3 $37.18/line $220 $24.17/mo. $61.35/line
T-Mobile Go5G 3 $43.00/line $350 $18.75/mo. $61.75/line
Verizon Welcome Unlimited 3 $45.66/line $220 $16.95/mo. $62.60/line
AT&T Unlimited Premium 3 $64.83/line $800 $0/mo. $64.83/line
Verizon One Unlimited for iPhone 3 $66.14/line $800 $0/mo. $66.14/line
Verizon 5G Start 3 $50.78/line $220 $16.95/mo. $67.72/line
Verizon 5G Play/Do More 3 $61.02/line $440 $10/mo. $71.02/line
Verizon 5G Get More 3 $71.25/line $800 $0/mo. $71.25/line

3 lines are where things get interesting.

Now, both T-Mobile Go5G Plus and AT&T Unlimited Starter end up costing less than Mint Mobile’s unlimited plan. 

The multi-line discounts you get with T-Mobile Go5G Plus and AT&T Unlimited Starter, in conjunction with getting a free iPhone 14 with a trade-in, make these two plans competitively priced.

Families with three lines can still save between $50 and $400 per year with Mint Mobile’s 5GB and 20GB plans.

But for families with heavier data users, it’s hard to ignore the appealing options from T-Mobile and AT&T.

Four-Line Cost Comparison

Plan Lines Plan Cost Phone Trade-in Credit Phone Cost Per Line Total
Mint Mobile 5GB 4 $17.43/line $220 $16.95/mo. $$34.3/line
AT&T Unlimited Starter 4 $39.23/line $800 $0/mo. $39.23/line
AT&T Unlimited Extra 4 $44.35/line $800 $0/mo. $44.35/line
T-Mobile Go5G Plus 4 $46.25/line $800 $0/mo. $46.25/line
Mint Mobile 15GB 4 $22.89/line $220 $16.95/mo. $39.83/line
Verizon Welcome Unlimited 4 $35.42/line $220 $16.95/mo. $52.36/line
AT&T Unlimited Premium 4 $54.59/line $800 $0/mo. $54.59/line
Mint Mobile 20GB 4 $28.34/line $220 $16.95/mo. $$45.2/line
Verizon One Unlimited for iPhone 4 $55.90/line $800 $0/mo. $55.90/line
Verizon 5G Start 4 $40.54/line $220 $16.95/mo. $57.48/line
T-Mobile Go5G 4 $39.00/line $350 $18.75/mo. $57.75/line
T-Mobile Essentials 4 $34.11/line $220 $24.17/mo. $58.28/line
Mint Mobile Unlimited 4 $33.88/line $220 $16.95/mo. $50.82/line
Verizon 5G Play/Do More 4 $50.78/line $440 $10/mo. $60.78/line
Verizon 5G Get More 4 $61.02/line $800 $0/mo. $61.02/line

When you have four lines, it’s a new story altogether.

Here, AT&T Unlimited Starter is the second cheapest option. It’s more affordable than Mint Mobile’s 15GB plan. 

The fact a family of four can get a truly unlimited data plan with free phones for everyone for just a couple of bucks extra per line compared to a prepaid plan is outstanding. 

T-Mobile Go5G Plus continues to be a great value here as well.

Surprisingly, Mint’s unlimited plan is now one of the more expensive options. 

Five-Line Cost Comparison

Plan Lines Plan Cost Phone Trade-in Credit Phone Cost Per Line Total
AT&T Unlimited Starter 5 $34.11/line $800 $0/mo. $34.11/line
AT&T Unlimited Extra 5 $39.23/line $800 $0/mo. $39.23/line
Mint Mobile 5GB 5 $17.43/line $220 $16.95/mo. $$34.3/line
T-Mobile Go5G Plus 5 $44.00/line $800 $0/mo. $44.00/line
Verizon Welcome Unlimited 5 $30.30/line $220 $16.95/mo. $47.24/line
Mint Mobile 15GB 5 $22.89/line $220 $16.95/mo. $39.83/line
AT&T Unlimited Premium 5 $49.47/line $800 $0/mo. $49.47/line
T-Mobile Go5G 5 $36.00/line $350 $18.75/mo. $54.75/line
T-Mobile Essentials 5 $31.04/line $220 $24.17/mo. $55.21/line
Verizon 5G Play/Do More 5 $45.66/line $440 $10/mo. $55.66/line
Mint Mobile 20GB 5 $28.34/line $220 $16.95/mo. $$45.2/line
Verizon 5G Get More 5 $55.90/line $800 $0/mo. $55.90/line
Verizon One Unlimited for iPhone 5 $55.90/line $800 $0/mo. $55.90/line
Mint Mobile Unlimited 5 $33.88/line $220 $16.95/mo. $50.82/line
Verizon 5G Start 5 $45.66/line $220 $16.95/mo. $62.60/line

For five lines, AT&T Unlimited Starter becomes the most affordable option. 

Mint Mobile’s 5GB and 15GB plans could still save families money over T-Mobile Go5G Plus. But, for only a couple of dollars extra per line, Go5G Plus is a vastly superior plan. 

Conclusion: Is Mint Mobile Worth It?

So… Is Mint Mobile worth it?

For one or two lines, Mint Mobile’s plans are some of the best value prepaid plans available.

I'd say yes, Mint Mobile’s plans are worth it. 

You just need to make sure you get good T-Mobile coverage in your area, and that you feel comfortable paying for three months of service to a year of service up front. 

However, if you have three or more lines, it’s a different story.

Sure, Mint Mobile’s 5GB and 15GB plans could still save families money over the postpaid plan options. 

But I think a majority of people would prefer the more premium experience of the postpaid plans. You get truly unlimited data for each line so you don’t need to think about data usage. You can go to physical stores for help and support. And, in some cases, the more premium plans come with extra perks and benefits.

That said, the potential savings from the postpaid plans only work if you take advantage of the trade-in deals and discounts.

You have to be comfortable financing your phone over two or three years and going through the process of trading in your old device.

If you’re someone who prefers to upgrade their phone more frequently, or perhaps you prefer to buy your devices outright from the manufacturer, then going with a prepaid carrier like Mint Mobile will be a more affordable option. This is because the device cost is the same regardless of which plan you choose. And if that’s the case, do you want the more expensive plan? Or the plan that will save you the most money?

Ultimately, the choice is yours. 

Just check coverage in your area before you sign up for a plan to make sure you get good T-Mobile reception where you live.

My name is Stetson and my goal is to help 1 million people save $10 per month or more on their cell phone bill. If you found this article helpful, consider sending it to a friend or family member.

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Stetson Doggett

Helping people save money on cell service through beautiful design, extensive research, and video reviews.

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